Australian Medical Council Computer Adaptive Test Examination (AMC)
Question Bank

We help medical experts like you to successfully transition to practicing in Australia. We help give you the confidence you need to master the AMC syllabus, and ace your exam. By accessing our AMC question bank, you will simulate the real exam and build a detailed understanding of the syllabus content. Our question bank will be a key component of both your revision and your success in passing your AMC exam.

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Comprehensive AMC Exam Preparation

Over 1,600 unique questions that align completely with the AMC syllabus to maximise the efficiency of your learning. We have carefully ensured all topics are covered.

ACM Exam Syllabus Revision

Our questions are written by senior clinicians with a wealth of experience in a range of subspecialties to ensure all the key material is covered.

Learn With Feedback, Monitor Your Progress

Dedicated, detailed explanations are included with each question, to reinforce concepts and optimise your revision. Links to relevant Australian clinical guidelines have been included to support your learning.

I used this resource for my exam preparation and found it very helpful and worth doing. The questions are well written and represent essential material in the text books. The questions are precise and realistic for the AMC and the site is a great resource to help prepare. I used it for about 3 months during my preparation, doing a few questions every day on my phone or laptop, on top of reading books and going through the bank again and again. Good luck!

Sergey - Australia

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AMC Exam Dates 2023

The AMC exam is held monthly throughout 2023. The exams take place both in Australia and in other countries.

Scheduling your exam can done through the AMC website.

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